Asbestos Sample Testing
Asbestos testing is crucial to identify asbestos products so the appropriate control measures can be put in place. South East Asbestos Pty Ltd offers independent NATA accredited asbestos testing and visual inspections of the home and workplace.
Many products around the home and workplace contain asbestos, with asbestos cement sheet walls and cladding being one of the most commonly identified. But did you know asbestos can also be found in:
- Roofing and gutters
- Gables and eaves
- Vinyl, carpet and tile underlay
- Imitation brick cladding
- Fences
- Sheds
- Window putty
- Packers and formwork
- Pipe lagging;
And many other areas!
All suspected asbestos products in the workplace must be sampled or, treated as asbestos until sampled, in accordance with the WHS Act and Regulations. This can mean maintenance, removal and disposal, of a potentially non-asbestos product which can become expensive. Asbestos Sampling is compulsory by a contractor if they are required to carry out works at your workplace in an area where asbestos is suspected, without these sample results, much needed repairs or upgrades may be delayed.
Unlike workplaces, there is no legal requirement to have suspected asbestos formally tested in your own home. Testing may be done to elevate concerns from homeowners before commencing their own renovations, or if a suspected asbestos product if uncovered during renovations.
But if you need a contractor to re-instate or make repairs (i.e. plumbing), your home then becomes a workplace and the contractor has a legal obligation under the WHS ACT to ensure the suspected asbestos product is tested and, if positive, removed/decontaminated by a licenced asbestos removalist. This could put you, your family, and visitors at risk of asbestos exposure as many are unaware of the equipment needed to properly decontaminate after removing asbestos. It could also delay your home renovations and if removed and decontaminated improperly, can become expensive to have the area decontaminated correctly.